Morriña (que en gallego significa Melancolía)

ISBN: 9788439208839
MORRIÑA es MELANCOLÍA. Es un sentimiento profundo de tristeza y soledad. Echas de menos lo que no está.María tuvo la suerte, gracias a la "bruja Maruxa" de convertir su sentimiento triste en una dulce morriña.Identifying what you feel is a way of getting to know yourself, and therefore, a form of self-growth and maturity. The books in this series—which have been thoroughly reviewed by a team of child psychologists—will serve both parents and educators as effective tools for exploring the emotions of children. By identifying with the characters in these stories, youngsters will find it easier to overcome negative aspects of their own emotions that might lead to counterproductive behavior. In addition, children will enjoy reading every one of these entertaining and amusing stories even as they learn.
Disponibilidad: 2-4 días
Precio: Consultar